
Ms. Chantha Thong

Remedial Massage Therapist

Chantha Ho, Ms. Chantha Thong

Fun Facts About Chantha

What is your favourite movie?

– Alpha, Directed by Albert Hughes and The Shawshank Redemption.

Name three people you would love to have dinner with?

– Alicia keys

– Oprah Winfrey

– Richard Branson

What is your favorite food?

– Cambodian, Mexican food and any cuisine that’s vegetarian I would be open to try!

What is your favorite book?

– Loving what is by Byron Katie & Woman who run with the Wolves By Clarissa Pinkola Estes

What is your favorite place in the world?

– Gosh, that’s a hard one to choose, I’ve been to many countries. It would be Peru, the Canadian wilderness and somewhere local – Byron Bay!

Favorite hobbies?

– Cooking, reading, walks along the beach, hiking, yoga, and dancing.

Book Your Appointment With Chantha

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