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Four Text Neck exercises to avoid Text Neck Syndrome

Text neck symptoms include; tight upper traps, a sore neck, and headaches - which is why your head feels like it weighs a ton. We have four neck exercises you need to do to avoid getting text neck syndrome At this point in the tech generation, it’s safe to say that...

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7 Health Benefits of Swimming on Your Back

Swimming is a unique sort of exercise because it somewhat frees you from the constraints that gravity usually imposes. This is a real advantage for people who are overweight, pregnant, arthritic, or suffering from other health conditions that can make high-impact,...

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What is IASTM? An effective approach for musculoskeletal injuries

With the increasing exposure of healthcare on Instagram, Youtube and Facebook, IASTM technique has become one of the most popular. So what is it? Most people would associate this technique with big metal objects causing bright red bruises and marks. But,...

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Shoulders – Why Don’t We Treat Them Properly?

This is something that bugs many in the health field - why do we treat shoulders so differently to many other joints? You might be wondering what I mean by this...I mean that when people come in with say, knee pain, we aim to reduce the pain, increase the movement and...

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Technogel Pillow Range

As Osteopaths, throughout the years we have come across many distinctive styles of pillows that have not facilitated an individuals needs. In fact they aggravated their condition. We have found that fitted Technogel pillows provide the appropriate musculoskeletal...

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Mobility & Rehabilitation: Foam Rolling Introduction

So you’re new to the idea of self- myofascial release tools and using the best foam roller, myofascial release lacrosse ball, and many more self- release tools. This blog will give you a introduction on how to use the foam roller and getting into the routine of taking...

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Improve Sleep. Muscle Cramping. Restlessness.

Having trouble falling asleep? feeling restless, achy,crampy? Then definitely try Magnesium oil spray by SALT LAB. It’s super effective and we are really excited to stock it at B&HC. The big difference with this magnesium product over the rest, is it absorbs...

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Your 4 Step Guide To Fixing Neck Pain Headache

The root cause of most headaches comes from the neck, specifically from your muscles on the back of your neck (suboccipital muscles). We will list the best tips, hacks, stretches and exercises for your suboccipital release. Today, the average aussie works harder than...

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What’s the difference between Osteo, Physio and Chiro?

Dr. Belle Picco It’s a question we get asked almost daily. The distinction between the three can be tough at the end best of times. Ultimately, all three want to help you get better and be pain free! Choosing which one is right for you can be hard, but hopefully this...

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